SVP Cleveland Annual Report 2019 | Page 14

CLEVELAND’s EQUITY JOURNEY 2012–2018 2012: SVP Cleveland launches its Personally Significant Giving Model. 2016: Partners, board, and staff attend several SVPI- sponsored sessions with an equity focus, beginning SVP Cleveland’s more explicit pursuit of equity. 2016: An SVP Equity Team forms. July 2017: Equity Corner launched in the Partners’ weekly SCOOP. Oct 2017: Equity experts, Erica Merritt and Adele DiMarco, guide a discussion at our Fall All-Partner Meeting. Oct 2017: Partners undertake a Vision Exercise from which Equity becomes one of the three Real-Time Strategic Planning (RTSP) focus areas. 2018: Partners and staff attend SVPI equity-focused conferences; REI trainings; Philanthropy Ohio equity-centered seminars, discussions, and conference; and more. Feb 2018: Partners view and discuss the film “The House We Live In.” Feb 2018: Emeritus Investee, Magnolia Clubhouse, discusses equity in its work at our Annual Partner Meeting. Feb 2018: Nearly 20 additional Partners and Fellows join the RTSP Equity Team. Oct 2018: SVP Partners choose equity and closing the opportunity gap to be the focus of SVP’s Impact with Investees, within the community, and amongst themselves. Fall 2018: Launch Equity Community Outreach Initiative in collaboration with The United Black Fund of Greater Cleveland. Dec 2018: Language used in the 2019 Investment Cycle application is evaluated and updated using an equity lens. A question about each organizations’ commitment to equity is added to the Round 1 application.