SVP Cleveland Annual Report 2019 | Page 13

Kinnect works to develop partnerships that transform beliefs, values, and actions to achieve permanency for all children in the shortest time possible. Kinnect Community Impact Executive Director: Mike Kenney SVP Lead Partners: Katie Keane and Megan Patton Engagement Began: June 2019 Year More children move from foster care to placement with family/kin. Increase the scope of supports for LGTBQ+ youth in foster care. Increase the scope of supports for family/kin in foster care. 2018 100 children w/ kin Grant-based pilot for LGBTQ+ youth - 12 youth served No kinship and adoption navigator programs in Ohio 2019 250 children served and 175 children with kin Grant-based pilot for LGBTQ+ youth is currently serving 20 new youth OhioKAN (Ohio Kinship and Adoption Navigator Program) is planning to begin setting up 5 regions in Ohio beginning in July 2020 Total SVP Impact as of December 31, 2019: SVP grants awarded $ 15,000 Value of volunteer hours $ 23,688 Other donations because of SVP To Be Determined Projected operational impact To Be Determined SVP grant was leveraged 258% $ 38,688+ Strengthening Kinnect Projects: • Fund Development • Human Resources • Mission, Vision, & Strategy Results and Accomplishments: • Completed Organization Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT). • Strategized about funding plan and finances which led to acquiring a CFO for hire. • Developed and facilitated retreat for Board Members. • Co-created a plan for the structuring of future board meetings. • Assisted with planning for fundraiser. • Coached several staff members in telling the organization’s story in a fast pitch.