SVP Cleveland Annual Report 2019 | Page 11

Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank’s mission is to foster improved literacy and a love of reading by providing free books to children in need. Their goal is to break the poverty cycle by exposing low-income children to language and reading from birth– fostering literacy skills, opening their minds to the world beyond their neighborhood and fueling their imaginations. Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank Community Impact Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Kids’ Books Distributed Board Books, Pre-School, Community Partners and Early Reader Distributing Books Books Distributed 311,810 137,539 270 667,303 345,291 461 341,046 496 372,531 591 671,381 Executive Director: Judy Payne 760,304 SVP Lead Partner & Project Managers: Diane Farr (June 2017–September 2017) Marcia Levine (September 2017–February 2018) Tara Schmitt (June 2018–Present) Short-Term, Time-Only Engagement: June 2017–February 2018 Full Engagement Began: June 2018 Total SVP Impact as of December 31, 2019: SVP grants awarded $ 30,000 Value of volunteer hours $ 42,875 Other donations because of SVP $ 7,100 Projected operational impact To Be Determined SVP grant was leveraged 267% $ 79,975 Strengthening Cleveland Kids’ Book Bank Project: • Board Development • Executive Coaching • Fundraising • Operations • Real-Time Strategic Planning • Replicability Results and Accomplishments: • Executive coaching was provided by project manager Marcia Levine, particularly around evolving HR issues. • Helped board ensure concurrence around their mission and redefine priorities. • Introduced the concept of real-time strategic planning to approach both everday and long-term decision-making. • Offered insights as to how to refine fundraising efforts and establish a culture of gratitude. • Brainstormed opportunities for diversification of book collection methods. • Strategized Annual Fund solicitation and roll-out. • Leveraged “Eat, Drink, & Be Literary” event. • Brainstormed volunteer space at sort center to offer place for volunteers to feel welcomed and increase engage- ment. • Trained board members in soliciting funds and supporting fundraising efforts more broadly. • Brainstormed program design and development.