SVP Cleveland Annual Report 2019 | Page 10

Jordan Community Resource Center is a 501(c)(3) Agency founded in 2004 that provides support services to women in crisis, especially those who are victims of human trafficking and opioid addiction. Through collaborations with community and faith based organizations Jordan offers a full range of cultural and social support programs for women on the road to recovery so that they may return to their families and communities. Jordan is part of the team that works with the legal system to assist with these issues as required. Jordan CRC Community Impact Year Participants Average Length of Served Participants’ stay Executive Director: 2016 Tenisha Gant-Watson 2017 2018 SVP Lead Partners: 2019 June 2017–June 2018: Gargi Patel June 2018–June 2019: Ann Newman & Gargi Patel June 2019–Present: Drucilla Knutsen Engagement Began: June 2017 Total Budget per Participant Community Partner Organizations (TOTAL) 21 8 months to 1 year $500/month* 5 31 6 to 8 months $500/month* 13 72 90 to 120 days $500/month* 17 75 90 to 120 days $500/month 20 * The cost did not include full staffing Total SVP Impact as of December 31, 2019: SVP grants awarded $ 45,000 Value of volunteer hours $ 55,344 Other donations because of SVP $ 3,750 Projected operational impact To Be Determined SVP grant was leveraged 231% $ 104,094+ Strengthening Jordan Community Resource Center Projects: • Board Development • Financial Management • Fundraising • Program Design and Evaluation • Strategic Planning Support Results and Accomplishments: • Completed Organization Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT). • Audited current financials to identify gaps, risk areas, and opportunities. • Brainstormed areas for program funding or cost reduction. • Audited all existing marketing materials with dual perspective of outreach and fundraising goals; identified gaps and optimization opportunities; identified resources to help revamp materials. • Explored fundraising opportunities and tactics. • Conducted competitive analysis of fundraising activities and results by local area organizations to inform fund- raising approach. • Conducted role-play workshop with Jordan CRC board to support board’s ability to seek individual and corpo- rate contributions. • Developed and reviewed board skillset audit. • Brainstormed growth of the workforce-development program for women served. • Contributed three viable candidates for strategic plan consultant and supported Jordan CRC in the process. • Assesed options for a social enterprise revenue stream.