SUUL Souvenir 43rd Anniversary 1 | Page 6

Today, SUUL all over the world celebrates its 43rd Founding Anniversary with humility. I’m hopeful that this gatherings shall provide energy, renewed commitment and restored driving force to this great Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Fellowship. As Defender of Human Rights and Lover of Peace and Order, I encourage everyone to reminisce the day that your name was enlisted to the Roll of Knighthood and Sisterhood. With convictions, let us prove to the whole world that SUUL's advocacy is for humanity willing to help one another water and fire. In our SUUL journey, we are riding the same boat, creed, and pledge of allegiance adhering our traditional slogan “IN SUPREME KNIGHT'S MESSAGE: UNITY WE STAND”. In unison, let us exhibit our Damayan or Bayanihan spirit with pride. No matter what social status you belong, seniority is not recognized. Indeed, SUUL discouraged superiority, faction or crab mentality attitude for justifiable reasons that it will not reaped a good fruition, in summation, it will rotten and damage the sweetness of our CAMARADERIE. Let us not consent that disunity shall be the assassins of our ideology and idealism. The success of one is the prestige of the plurality. Let the chemistry of mutual understanding and the blessings of spiritual closeness guide our mission. Let us treasure, delight and cherish the true spirit of BROTHERHOOD, SISTERHOOD & FELLOWSHIP FOR NO MAN IS AN ISLAND CAN STAND ALONE. SIR KNIGHT WILLY B. GOMEZ SUPREME KNIGHT MQC CANADA Montreal Quebec Canada GRAND KNIGHT'S MESSAGE As we celebrate another milestone of the Fraternal Order of Sigma Upsilon Upsilon Lambda, International Service Fraternity and Sorority, I take pride to convey my congratulations to our 16 Fraternal Ancestors who Founded the KAPATIRAN a HAPPY 43rd FOUNDATION DAY ANNIVERSARY. Thanks and cheers to my Fraternal Brothers & Sorority Sisters, Organizers, Officers, Families, Friends, Patrons and Benefactors who actively spare their untiring services to humanity by lending a helping hand especially to the needy destitutes. Long Live Knights and Ulphans International. IN UNITY WE STAND!!! SIR KNIGHT RUEL Z. AREVALO GRAND KNIGHT MQC CANADA Montreal, Quebec, Canada