SUUL Souvenir 43rd Anniversary 1 | Page 5

I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings to the members of the Sigma Upsilon Upsilon Lambda as you mark your 43rd foundation day anniversary and third year existence of your independent chapter in Montreal. Your important contribution as an international service fraternity sorority that promotes unity, community, services, wellness and mission as your main objectives is truly impressive. Kudos to your group and may you continue to grow stronger and excel in your future endeavor. Congratulations and Mabuhay! Corazon Santiago-Aberin FAMAS President 2015-2017 ADVISER'S MESSAGE With utmost candor, I am optimistic that Knights and Ulphans all over the world celebrates their glorious moments with pride and passion in commemoration of its 43rd Founding Anniversary of SIGMA UPSILON UPSILON LAMBDA (SUUL) International Service Fraternity and Sorority. Indeed, please accept my kudos and warmest felicitations to the Honorable sixteen (16) SUUL Founders, Organizers, Officers and Members. As your MONTREAL QUEBEC CHAPTER (MQC), CANADA HONORARY ADVISER, I encourage everyone to continue your vistas to lend a helping hand to the needy community. Rest assured that your humble MQC adviser will always be in adherence to acknowledged your needs, where no man can stand alone. Let us help one another and make this world a better place to live. Mabuhay ang Sigma Upsilon Upsilon Lambda Fraternity & Sorority International. MUSIC DIRECTOR PAUL IMPERIAL HONORARY ADVISER MQC CANADA Montreal Quebec Canada, ADVISER'S MESSAGE My heartwarming congratulations to the Organizers, Officers and Members of Sigma Upsilon Fraternity and Upsilon Lambda Sorority MONTREAL QUEBEC CHAPTER (MQC) CANADA, for celebrating their 43rd Foundation Day Anniversary Worldwide and MQC’s 3rd year of existence as an Independent Chapter. SUUL's Mission is to convey a helping hand to our less fortunate and pauper brethren of different faiths, backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures. With love and dedication, Knights and Ulphans shall perpetuate to bring unswerving MS. ANITA LO HONORARY ADVISER commitment with conviction and compassion. As your SUUL MQC HONORARY ADVISER as long as I am alive on this planet, it is my moral MQC CANADA Montreal Quebec Canada imperative to wholeheartedly support your tireless endeavors being the Ambassador of Goodwill to humanity. My congratulations and best wishes for continued success.