Sustainable Mayakoba 2021 / 2022 | Page 30

Comprehensive Vegetation Management
The eradication of the almond tree ( Terminalia catappa ) was implemented in Mayakoba , considered an exotic species for Mexico . 101 individuals were removed from 1 to 10 m in height .


There is a catalog of native plant species that can be used in Mayakoba for reforestation and landscaping .


The golf course " El Camaleón " uses grass of the Paspalum vaginatum species , this grass tolerates irrigation with fresh or brackish water . Although in Mayakoba treated wastewater is used for irrigation .
In the tree stratum , the K ' anasin ( Lonchocarpus rugosus ) is the species with the highest value of importance in this stratum with a density of 550 ind / ha , its value being given by its density , followed by the Jabín species ( Piscidia piscipula ) with a density of 250 ind / ha , a value given by its dominance .

550ind / ha

240,577 m3 of treated wastewater were used to irrigate the Mayakoba golf course and green areas .