Sustainable Matters Sustainable Matters | Page 29

Toxic Chemical Substances

How many times do we stop to think whether the food we eat is safe or whether it is so filled with chemicals that we had better stop buying it and start producing it ourselves? How many times have we taken the time to consider whether the cosmetics we use are really safe for our skin or if they might do more harm than good? How many times do we wonder whether the working conditions in factories are safe for the employees and whether the fumes that they emit might harm us all?

Whether we like to admit it or not, we live in dangerous times and the ones who make these times dangerous are ourselves. We poison ourselves in an attempt to create more and more and we do not look at the long-term consequences. But maybe if we knew what is not safe for us to buy, how to avoid being fooled by big companies pretending to sell us environmentally-friendly products, just maybe we might be more responsible consumers and we might do ourselves and the world some good.

Here are some of the things we analysed in our fourth session and what we found out about them:



Read more on our activities on this topic here:

Here is why chemicals may be dangerous

- an animation by Andreea Fratila