Sussex News and Views Winter Edition | Page 11

a e r a r u o y in Hastings’ Four Courts Festive Fun The Four Courts Community Centre hosted their annual Christmas event with The Hastings Opera opening the show! Hilarious Christmas related readings were performed by residents. Whilst delicious mulled wine and mince pies were served up for all to enjoy. Have you got contents insurance? Contents insurance covers your possessions against loss or damage by theft, fire, explosion, water/flood, lightning or earthquake. You need contents insurance to protect the contents of your home. Remember to check the terms and conditions. How can I get contents insurance? We can help you get home contents insurance easily and at a low cost. We’re working together with the National Housing Federation to provide an affordable contents insurance scheme called My Home. For further information and enquiries about the scheme call them on 0845 337 2463 or visit the My Home website:  - 0800 121 60 60   In memory of Jean Bradbery We’re sad to report that involved resident, Jean Bradbery, has died. Jean always worked hard for her fellow residents. She was part of the group that helped set up our award winning governance structure. She was later elected to Hastings Area Panel. At the Four Courts refurbishment consultative group she continually challenged our architects and other professionals to find better materials and construction methods to make life easier for residents. At the Diversity Group she always made well researched contributions to help us tailor services to people’s needs. Those living at the Four Courts in St Leonards remember her conversation at the bus stop, at Horizons and the Four Courts’ cafe. Residents warmly spoke of her “fondness for an underdog”… and being “a highly principled lady with huge integrity”. Many residents recalled her rousing speech against bus service cuts as just one of her regular contributions to resident involvement events. Jean, with her constructive mind and articulate approach, rapidly established herself as a well respected and influential force, not only for our benefit but others too. For that, and in recognition of her campaigning for national and international causes, we’re proud to have known her and are truly grateful for all she did.  - [email protected]   - 11