SUP&R ITN outreach magazine SUP&R ITN Info document | Page 3 Training Platform The SUP&R International Training Network (ITN) will offer a training-through-research programme to selected young researchers across Europe. The project includes a high level four year training programme which will be international, multi-disciplinary and multi-sectors. To achieve the overall research and training objectives, the SUP&R ITN has been implemented with 6 Work Packages (WPs). The training will be local and network-wide and will consist in basic and advanced scientific courses together with complementary skills training courses, workshops, technical visits, research periods abroad, summer schools, conferences and a final symposium. Each course will be coordinated by the consortium and will be held at the premises of the different partners. The Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre (NTEC) at The University of Nottingham will lead the shaping of the training programme (WP4), will be in charge of the management of the SUP&R ITN (WP5) as well as the dissemination and outreach activities of the consortium (WP6). Each hosting institutions will contribute to the training-through-research of the researcher through projects that will be delivered within three scientific research work packages (WP1-WP3), as explained below: WP1 & WP2: Characterization and Design of Pavement & Railway Infrastructures Technologies    The development of a more sustainable technologies and materials for use in road pavements and railway transport infrastructure. The advanced characterisation of recycled and reused materials generated from road and railway infrastructure and/or other production processes for use in road and railway infrastructure. The development of detailed material modelling and design approaches for immediate uptake by industrial stakeholders working in the area of transport infrastructure. 12 young researchers will be recruited by a host university and will develop an individual research project with the co-operation of other two partners from both public and private sector. The PhD projects will analyse transport infrastructure technologies which involve extensive usage of recycling and minimise the environmental impact. SUSTAINABLE ROAD PAVEMENT’S TECHNOLOGIES (WP1) ESR No. ESR 1 ESR 2 ESR 3 ESR 4 ESR 5 ESR 6 Project Title Host Institutions Pavement design for cold in-situ recycled UNOTT, URS, NYNAS materials Design and characterization of bitum [