Supplement Guide EN | Page 36

Supplement Your Stride

Energy is the true wealth of life . But how can we ensure that we are fully energised daily and give our best ?
Every day , we face situations that push us to our limits , mentally and physically . Knowing your own limits is important , especially when it comes to exercise . Like an athlete who challenges themselves through training , we can improve our energy and performance with targeted routines .
Starting your day with a conscious decision to move , such as a short walk or stretch , will stimulate circulation . Then , a breakfast with a good mix of proteins , healthy fats , and carbohydrates will provide long-lasting energy and kick-start your metabolism . Try dōTERRA™ Plant Protein !
But , how your body produces energy goes beyond what you eat ; it ’ s also about how your cells use what you consume . Mitochondria , the powerhouses of our cells , need various nutrients ( mitotropic compounds ) to function optimally . L-carnitine transports fatty acids into the mitochondria , where they ’ re converted into energy . Coenzyme Q10 ( CoQ10 ) supports ATP production , the main energy carrier of cells . Pyrroloquinoline quinone ( PQQ ) promotes new mitochondria formation and enhances overall cell capacity . Pantothenic acid ( Vitamin B5 ) is essential for energy metabolism and synthesising Coenzyme A , crucial for many metabolic processes . Alpha-lipoic acid protects mitochondria from oxidative stress as a potent antioxidant . These ingredients work synergistically to support mitochondria and maximise energy production .
Energy Essentials : Top Tips
• Caffeine provides a boost , but only short-term . Instead of relying on a caffeinated kick , consider more sustainable alternatives . Mitotropic compounds that positively influence cellular energy offer a more long-lasting boost .
• Combine mitotropic compounds with digestive plant extracts like fennel , anise , and caraway to support energy production and promote healthy digestion and nutrient absorption .
• During intense challenges , brief breaks and deep breathing can be invaluable . Embrace the “ 10 for 10 ” rule : pause for ten seconds and breathe deeply for 10 seconds to regain focus and energy . These moments of reflection yield clarity , guiding your next steps efficiently .
• Menthol and beta-caryophyllene can restore balance and regulate stress through the endocannabinoid system , which plays a crucial role in managing inflammation , pain , and stress responses .
36 | Movement & Metabolism