Beef up on this belly-zapping hormone
Eat as close to zero grams of sugar as possible. This will
keep insulin levels low and also keep levels of glucagon
high. Glucagon, a hormone, is the best friend you could
ever have in the struggle for a flat belly! The closer to zero
grams of sugar you consume, the lower your insulin and
the higher your’s as simple as that.
Chew on this
Chewing is very important to prevent bloating. Chew
food until it is like applesauce in your mouth. Digestion
begins in the mouth, and without proper chewing, food
is not well-digested. Better-digested food means less gas
and bloating.
Punch it out and lose 2 inches fast
Add boxing to your cardio routine. When you throw
punches with weights or at a fast pace, you’re working
your core in a way that helps to flatten your midsection.
You must engage your core to throw punches, and twisting your torso works all the ‘ab’ muscles.
Boxing also gives you a cardio workout that burns extra
calories. Add 16 minutes of boxing three times a week to
your regular cardio routine (30 minutes at high intensity
four to five times a week), and you can lose up to 2 inches from your waist in four weeks. Simply throw punches
while holding 1- or 2-pound weights for 8 minutes, alternating arms, then repeat witho ]?ZY??]H?\?\?X?B???[?HZ[?]\???H[[X]H?]X?[HY[?B???\???XZ?\??H?X?H???K]?X]??XY?]?]\?[?X[?]?]\?[?H?\?[?\??]??\?]H?\??Y\???\?[????[?X??[Y?]?X?Y]???Y??[Y?\?B??K[??\??H?X]?\??^??Y?]H]H?]?H?[?[???\?[[??ZX?K???\?[??\???[Y?[[?H??\?Y??Y]?]?[???]]0?YY\?\?Y?\??]?]?H?[[??\?X???\??X??H?\??]Y??YH[??\??]?X?\?????[????\??YY???