SUP Mag UK lo-res free to readers April 2014 lo-res free to read | Page 15

Onwards and upwards My next purchase was a Jackson Kayaks SUPercharger. Made of plastic, it really can take the abuse that British rivers throw at it. The SUPercharger is heavier than the MVP although not as snappy, but it’s my ‘go to’ as it’s so robust. I save the MVP for Hurley Weir where it doesn’t come into contact with rocks as much. During the last few seasons I have river SUPed loads, including some places I never thought possible. White water stand up is 15 s t a n d u p p a d d still in its infancy in the UK but could be huge when more folk cotton on to what’s possible. Get your kit sorted and keep safety in mind. Don’t attempt anything you’re uncomfortable with and make sure your skills are up to the challenge. This way, you’ll enjoy your river SUP time as much as I do. As stand up paddling continues to progress, who knows what the future holds, and river SUP further highlights the sport’s diversity. l e m a g u k You can keep up to FFP