SUP Mag UK lo-res free to readers April 2014 lo-res free to read | Page 14

Hurley Weir The famous Hurly Weir is an amazing wave on the Thames near Henley – it’s renowned as the best kayak freestyle wave in Europe. Anything from 30-60 cubic meters per second of water, surging through concrete gates, makes for the perfect nonstop wave. Hurley Weir has a huge amount of water moving around, with powerful currents and big boils. The shape of the Red Paddle SUP struggled to cross the eddy line and get me onto the wave when I first tried. Minimal success, after the first attempt, although I did get one short ride, which was enough to inspire me to take things a bit further. Better equipped After a bit more research I found Badfish SUP – boards designed purely for white water and river surfing. I managed to get my hands on one of only two in the country – a Badfish Mountain Valley Paddleboard MVP. The Badfish MVP is shaped more like a kayak and has loads of volume and amazing secondary stability. This means: the more you lean or edge over, the more stable it gets. I tried it out on my local wave and it was great, but I still really wanted to conquer Hurley Weir! Back to Hurley It wasn’t long after, I made the drive to Hurley again. It was the first time the weir had been an option because of low water levels. That meant all the kayakers were there getting their freestyle fix. The first time I was at Hurley on the Red Paddle 10.6ft we had it to ourselves, so all the extra paddlers added pressure. I had to make a success of it as there were about 30 folk watching! I needn’t have worried because the Badfish MVP paddled like a dream. It crossed over the eddy line and instantly I was charging 60 tonnes of water per second. I stayed in place for about five minutes; no hard turns just gentle trimming and feeling my way around the wave. Success! I’d got Hurley Weir truly nailed! (I have since used my MVP on some graded rivers – the Tryweryn in North Wales, the Washburn in Yorkshire and the Dart in Devon). HURLEY WEIR PHOTO BY ANTONY EDMONDS (HTTP://AEPHOTOS.CO.UK) s t a n d u p p a d d l e m a g u k 14