1634 – Developing a Strategic Planning Framework for the Registry
The newly-appointed Academic Registrar had identified a need to ensure that the services provided by the
Registry & Faculty Administration (RFA) were fit for purpose and aligned with the strategic intentions of the
University. We worked closely with RFA and others across the University to provide a Strategic Planning
Framework that would ensure appropriate considerations, actions and discussions are undertaken on a
regular basis.
We conducted a series of workshops that identified a number of emerging themes important to RFA services;
the workshops informed the development of the Framework.
1681 – Timetabling Health Check
SUMS undertook the SUMS Timetabling Health Check using as a comparator post ’92 SUMS Members to
benchmark performance and resources deployed. The benchmark consisted of BCU, Leeds Beckett, Oxford
Brookes, and Portsmouth.
Key findings included that Wolverhampton is leading SUMS Members in its adoption of the flipped classroom,
space utilisation is good on the City Campus but there is room for improvement on the other campuses and
that there was scope for enhancing system deployment and processes.
A 3-year roadmap was proposed consisting of four work streams that would enable a move to central timetabling.
1687 – Support for Reviews of Quality Processes and Regulations
SUMS provided two briefing reports to inform a Review of Regulations and Quality Processes. The first report
drew on feedback that emerged from our facilitation of Focus Groups and included an assessment of priority
areas. The second provided benchmark information with regard to the aggregation of marks and the support
and information provided to students with respect to mitigating circumstances.
SUMS Consulting Annual Review 2016