1592 – Project Management Bidborough House
UCL acquired Bidborough House from the London Borough of Camden. This was the catalyst for a major
physical relocation exercise that saw significant parts of Professional Services move. Implementing agile
working was a key enabler for UCL to achieve its staff-to-desk target ratios. SUMS provided resource to
coordinate the various elements of the relocation project and ensure they worked together. We supported
the move to more agile working by providing examples of best practice from across all sectors and facilitating
the development of complementary protocols. UCL met its project plan dates.
1711 – Support for Life Learning Business Plan
SUMS first worked with UCL Life Learning in 2013/14 as part of a broader assignment with UCL Consultancy
to support organisation units with initial business plans for revenue generation. We returned to work with
UCL Life Learning throughout 2015/16 on the development of detailed business plans for a commercially
managed, market-led investment model in Executive Education and Professional Development. Based on a
critical analysis of the underpinning assumptions, commissioned market research and associated risk analysis,
1714 – IOE Timetabling Support
SUMS was asked to support the implementation of the UCL scheduling and room booking software across
the Institute of Education. Recommendations were made for short- and medium-term resourcing, a set of
principles were proposed and a draft plan was presented to UCL and IOE. SUMS is continuing to support IOE
on an as-needed basis.
1716 – Change Management Capacity
We have provided support and guidance to UCL in the approach to developing a strategic change and project
office function, drawing on our experience at other institutions. We identified best practice around the skills,
roles and models that can be adopted, and known to have been successful elsewhere.
Activities 55