1590 – Review and Development of SITS
QMUL has been using SITS as its central student records system for several years. In the last two years
QMUL has introduced a process improvement programme and this has led to an increased commitment in
schools/institutes to consider adopting more standard ways of working and gaining greater access to
information within SITS. SUMS was asked to:
• Advise on QMUL’s SITS priorities over the next 3-5 years
• Benchmark how SITS is used and supported at QMUL compared with other HEIS
• Evaluate QMUL’s current performance in delivering and providing support for SITS users
• Review QMUL’s arrangements for SITS-related governance.
SUMS provided an assessment of the areas above and a Roadmap (SITS Development Programme) which will
form the basis for the development of the next five-year IT Strategy.
1700 – Graduate Admissions Review
SUMS was asked to provide support to the Head of Admissions and Assistant Academic Registrar (Research
Degrees) for a review of Graduate Admissions systems and processes: facilitating stakeholder meetings,
preparing appropriate project documentation, consulting colleagues and determining approval pathways.
As part of this work, visits were undertaken to comparator universities to identify good practice. The
outcome was the development of a business case identifying the rationale for change, the key priorities
and longer term requirements.
SUMS Consulting Annual Review 2016