1721 – Interim Strategy Manager
We provided an interim strategy manager to support the Strategy and Information Office.
1739 – Finance
SUMS was asked by The Open University to review the current operating model for Finance in light of user
requirements, a maturity model and experience elsewhere. Interviews were conducted with key stakeholders
which will form part of the basis of the final report. The assignment will be completed in October 2016 with a
presentation of findings.
1741 – OUSA Subvention Benchmarking
The OU Student Association asked SUMS to benchmark its subvention arrangement with The Open
University: looking at qualitative and quantitative data relating to inputs and outputs - against a cross section
of universities. Desk research was undertaken on 18 universities with some universities participating in
conversations. The subvention/student FTE for The OU is comparatively low. The consensus from
universities involved in the study was that budgeting by service is more appropriate than student numbers
for determining the subvention; although budgeting based on historic precedent is still common.
Other good practices were identified and included:
• Planning on a 2 or 3 year cycle, rather than annually
• Understanding the needs of the different communities within the student body
• Creating and maintaining a good dialogue between the Student Association and the University
• Drafting clear scopes of service with budgets drawn up by service.
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