1740 – Web and Digital Team Review
The University of Nottingham asked SUMS to undertake a review of the University’s web and digital teams to
ensure that the University has the structure, skills, knowledge, capabilities and roles to deliver a new website
and subsequent digital strategy.
The review has the overarching objective of significantly enhancing the University’s digital capabilities and
estate. The review highlights the need to be constantly developing to keep ahead of the ever-changing trends
of web and digital world.
The review includes a comparison of the size, shape and organisation of the web and digital teams with
demonstrable good practice within other universities and organisations.
1 672 – OUSA Regional Assembly Structure
SUMS was asked to review the English regional assembly structure for the Open University Student Association.
A working group was set up with members of staff and student representatives responsible for directing the work
and communicating outcomes. Stakeholder interviews were complemented by a survey of and focus group with
assembly executive members. A paper was prepared for consideration by the OUSA Central Executive Committee
which highlighted a number of options for future regional structures for OUSA in England.
1696 - Faculty Strategic Business Units
SUMS worked with The Open University to provide information on potential accountability models for its
new academic structure. These accountability models were supported by appropriate resource allocation
models. SUMS recommended related changes to the performance and planning frameworks to support
medium term planning for Faculties. Options for future performance based allocation were explored; whilst
no recommendation was made for performance-based allocation in the short term, a framework for the
adoption of such a mechanism with related advantages and disadvantages was provided.
SUMS Consulting Annual Review 2016