1649 – Professional Development Support for the Academic Registry
The Academic Registry had recently undergone reorganisation. SUMS provided Professional Development
Support for 11 senior managers to help then be more effective in their new roles. A number of general
development opportunities were also identified.
1782 – Organisation Support
LMU is undergoing a significant restructuring and consolidation. SUMS is providing ongoing support to key
stakeholders in their new roles.
1701 – Delegated Authority
SUMS was asked to assist in a review of the existing schedule of delegation of Council powers, gaining an
understanding of current practice and identifying any issues or areas of concern before contributing to the
drafting of a new schedule. We first identified the key areas of delegated authority by reviewing the formal
powers of Council together with recent agenda and minutes. We then conducted a high level process review
to identify issues and areas of concern, which we subsequently explored with key colleagues in each area.
Informed by a review of practice in a small comparator group, we developed a new model scheme of delegation
which not only identified the executive lead for each delegated power (grouped under seven headings, for
example, governance, management and control; academic and student matters; capital programme and
estates, etc) and the requisite oversight arrangements but also included links to relevant information (such
as committee terms of reference, regulations/policies and process maps). The model has been approved by
Council and is to be made available on the University’s governance webpages in due course.
SUMS Consulting Annual Review 2016