SUMS Annual Review 2016 2016 | Page 41

UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER 1748 – Timetabling Review The SUMS Timetabling Healthcheck was undertaken for Leicester using Bristol, UEA, Loughborough, Reading and Surrey as benchmarks. The benchmark showed that Leicester operates a very devolved process: departments timetable and the centre books rooms. Working with them a timetabling roadmap for the next three years was developed; this includes: • Consolidating timetabling roles • Clarifying and formalising the University Timetabling Policy • Modelling the teaching estate to understand the implications of student number and curriculum changes • Producing personal staff timetables • Using the timetable software to its full potential by automating more and using time as a variable for smaller teaching events • Introducing web self-service roombooking. There are potential student benefits to be realised in earlier confirmed timetables and University benefits in staff and space efficiency. 1750 – Research Impact The University of Leicester’s Research and Enterprise and Marketing departments commissioned SUMS to conduct a review of the University’s research communications and impact activity. The work will comprise internal interviews with senior staff, workshops to focus strategy, and benchmarking with a small number of universities to assess approaches and resources deployed elsewhere. Activities 41