SUMS Annual Review 2016 2016 | Page 34

1774 – Benchmark Professional Services
The University of Hull asked SUMS to help objectively model and evaluate the level of Faculty Professional Services resource operating at Faculty level . The University is undergoing structural changes and , as part of this change , is consolidating professional services staff previously operating within the schools into four faculty hubs .
SUMS helped the University to evaluate and compare the level of resource in each of the faculties . The analysis and modelling involved comparing the resources and costs with those under the previous structure , comparing across faculties and examining the level of resource in relation to the level of outputs . The activity analysis enabled the University to compare the costs and absolute resource levels of resource efficiency from one faculty to another .
The activity analysis involved examination of devolved professional services resource levels within similar sized institutions , looking at levels of resource distribution and whether there are noticeable differences between devolved professional services resource levels in different disciplinary faculties .
The assignment also involved examining lessons learned from other similar restructures in other comparable universities .
1777 – Review of Council , Senate and their Sub-Committees
SUMS was ask to conduct a review of Council and Senate and their respective Sub-Committees at the University of Hull to identify duplication and overlap across committees in order to ensure focus and consideration of issues at the appropriate level in the committee structure and to ensure that Senate and Council use their time effectively and appropriately .
SUMS undertook a number of stakeholder meetings to gain views across the institution and undertook a comparative review of good practice in the sector . We reviewed the terms of reference of all committees and provided a good practice framework for the Schedule of Delegation . In addition , we provided a number of templates to support the management of committees along with a series of recommendations to improve the focus of committee debate and the reduction in the volume of paperwork received .
34 SUMS Consulting Annual Review 2016