1757 – Library Benchmarking
The University of Bristol is planning to invest significantly in its libraries; to build a new library and move its
library management system to the cloud. To inform its plans, SUMS was asked to explore developments in HE
libraries, to benchmark peer universities and to present their views and learning.
The benchmark group consisted of Birmingham, Cardiff, Leeds, Leicester, and Nottingham. Working with
Bristol, we developed questions and a framework for the benchmark. Key themes that emerged from the
benchmark research are:
• From subject segmentation to user segmentation – while this has been a theme for some time, it is
currently manifesting itself in libraries in the building of researcher services and the creation of research
commons (reserving space within a library for researchers)
• The Librarian as custodian of learning spaces not just information – this is an emerging trend with a need
to manage learning spaces holistically across a university
• The Blended Library – the need to create library services that blend space, physical resources and digital
content to deliver user value.
Supporting recommendations were made drawing upon the benchmark findings.
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