Region Reports
By Laurie Guenther, ACP
As I sit down to write this article, I find myself searching for the right words. To echo the recent sentiment of a colleague, I wonder what I have left to give. Then I realize…I can give a little more…others are giving far more of themselves to get through a day. I can do this! Region III members have “given a little more” of their time, talents, and compassion to the Drug Court Christmas project and the Santa Run. They are always there to help, and it is very much appreciated.
In this, it’s 8th year, Region III bought gifts for five families (7 adults and 8 children) in the Bismarck-Mandan Adult DUI/Drug Court program. A financial contribution was also made with which Drug Court purchased a Target gift card for each participant in the program.
We cannot do any of this without the donations of our members, our employers, and local businesses. Because of their support, one family in desperate need of tires had their need fulfilled. Region III partnered with Puklich Chevloret to provide the tires. Melissa Klimpel, Tami Hulm, Becka Wohl, and Shayna Wiege provided a breakfast and lunch for their firm, Smith Porsborg Schweigert Armstrong Moldenhauer & Smith, in return for a free-will donation. The response by the firm was fantastic. Vicki Kunz and MDU Resources Group came through again with food baskets filled with the favorites of each family receiving gifts. With the help of Carol Beechie at MDU, two iphones were donated to a family as well. The cookies to Court tradition continued with lots of delicious treats baked by Region III members.
In its 5th year, the Santa Run is a program to raise awareness of addiction issues and provide support to Runners Against Destructive Decisions, Hope Manor sober living homes, and Adult Drug Court. Region III members have been there every year volunteering. This is a fun and positive event.
We would like to recognize all of those who helped with these projects. A sincere and very heartfelt THANK YOU to:
Bonnie Banks
Carol Beechie
Justice Daniel Crothers
Melissa Hamilton, ACP
Tami Hulm, ACP
Alice Johnson, ACP
Kathy Johnson, CLA
Judge Carol Ronning Kapsner
MDU Resources Group
Melissa Klimpel, ACP
Vicki Kunz, ACP
Justice Lisa Fair McEvers
Penny Miller, Clerk, Supreme Court
Corrina Pfaff
Puklich Chevrolet
Candy Schafer, CLA
Charlene Smith, ACP
Smith Porsborg Schweigert Armstrong Moldenhauer & Smith
Carol Solberg
Dianne Taix, ACP
Chief Justice Gerald W. VandeWalle
Wheeler Wolf/Jack MacDonald
Shayna Wiege
Becka Wohl
We hope you enjoy the pictures included in this issue as much as we enjoyed being part of them.
Region III - Drug Court Report