Afton J. Basden, CP
WDALA President
As you think about your membership in WDALA, your paralegal career, and the new year, I hope you will feel free to let me or any other officer know if you have ideas about how WDALA could do something better, or a topic for a speaker, or an idea for recruiting new members. Thanks to the work of First Vice President Nilla Fry, WDALA just launched its new Facebook group. Please… search it out, ask to join, and suggest it to other members you know. And if you are familiar with other social media avenues, feel free to help WDALA “go there” too.
I wish you all a happy and productive 2019, and may you never lose your pants.
Wow, did 2018 fly by for you as fast as it did for me? Our daughter graduated from college, our son got engaged, our family expanded with a new great niece and great nephew, plus work has been busy.
But somehow I found some time to work on a few projects, play piano for a wedding, volunteer, and try to get organized for the new year. I wish you and yours all of the best in 2019, it will be an outstanding year!
The WDALA checkbook balance is $14,059.64. All 2018 fall seminar expenses have been paid, there may be a teleconference in 2019, and the WDALA 2019 Spring Seminar in Minot.
"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."
Corrina Pfaff
WDALA Treasurer
We currently have:
41 active members
1 associate
1 student
1 sustaining
3 emeritus
We have two new members:
Andrea Johnson & Anna Heinen
This makes our total membership at 47.
Kathy Johnson, CLA
WDALA 2nd Vice President
Nilla Fry
First Vice President
The Annual WDALA meeting in September was outstanding. Since then we have created a WDALA Facebook page. Hit me up so I can add you. I can be found on Facebook at Nilla Brown-Davidson Fry. If you have any suggestions for luncheon teleconferences and speakers, please let me know and I will get that ball rolling. ([email protected] or pm me through the WDALA Facebook page.)
Spring is supposedly right around the corner and with that so is our Spring Seminar. The speaker line-up is looking wonderful. As this event draws nearer, be on the lookout for more information. Stay warm and stay safe.