Summer Guide 2024 | Page 83

Dance and Balance
Chair Yoga
Mah Jongg Lessons
Tai Chi
Dance and Balance
Move between freestyle dance to get the body moving and then slow down to focus on balance . Finish class with a stretch . Kathy DiPietro instructs . East Wing Members only .
Park Center
M • 11-11:45 am
6 / 24-8 / 19
55 + Yrs
$ 54 ( M )
Chair Yoga
Suzanne Hagen instructs . Students practice breath work and seated and / or standing yoga poses designed to build strength and increase joint mobility , balance and flexibility . Members only .
Park Center
W • 10-10:45 am
6 / 5-7 / 31
55 + Yrs
$ 36 ( M )
Mah Jongg Lessons
Learn the basics of this tile game or master your skills . Bring your 2024 Mah Jongg card . Sylvia Taflove instructs .
Park Center
Tu • 9:30-11:30 am 6 / 4-7 / 16
Tu • 9:30-11:30 am 7 / 23-8 / 27
55 + Yrs
$ 65 /$ 70 ( M / NM )
Tai Chi
This practice incorporates all Tai Chi motions that benefit the mind and body holistically . Through the series of motions , practitioners learn a series of animalinspired movements , such as white crane spreads its wings . Instructor : Sandy Wong , Tai Chi Master .
Park Center
W • 10-11 am
6 / 5-8 / 7
W • 11:15 am-12:15 pm
6 / 5-8 / 7
55 + Yrs
$ 70