Summer Guide 2024 | Page 54

Junior Lifeguard
Cardboard Boat Regatta at Roosevelt Pool
Junior Squad Leader
Flick Pool Middle School Nights


Junior Lifeguard
This program offers an introduction to basic aquatic lifesaving ! Participants develop leadership abilities and aquatic rescue skills including CPR and first aid , and emergency response . This program provides guidance , challenges and activities to participants who are interested in furthering their experience in lifeguarding .
Roosevelt Aquatic Center
M / W • 12:15-3:30 pm
6 / 10-7 / 3
M / W • 12:15-3:30 pm
7 / 8-7 / 31
Tu / Th • 12:15-3:30 pm
7 / 9-8 / 1
10-15 Yrs
$ 225 /$ 282
Tu / Th • 12:15-3:30 pm
6 / 11-7 / 2
10-15 Yrs
$ 197 /$ 247
Cardboard Boat Regatta at Roosevelt Pool
W , July 10 • 1-5 pm
Build a cardboard boat and race it across the pool against other boats ! Join us for a challenging , fun and wet adventure that combines cardboard , tape , creativity , energy and engineering . Awards will be presented for speed , creativity , people ’ s choice and team spirit . Register as a team ( max of 4 people ) only one team member needs to register . For ages 5 +.
Fee ( R / NR ): $ 20 /$ 25 ID #: 4020010-A
Junior Squad Leader
Learn leadership skills , better understand essential water safety knowledge , and get a glimpse into the world of aquatics . Program offers hands-on experiences , engaging activities , and enjoyable challenges . In the morning from 8:45-11:45 am , participants will have the chance to assist with group swim lessons , learning how to teach water safety skills and gain hands on experience with swim instructors . In the afternoon , participants will concentrate on developing leadership abilities and aquatic lifesaving skills including first aid , CPR and emergency response .
Roosevelt Aquatic Center
M / W • 8:45 am-3:30 pm
6 / 10-7 / 3
M / W • 8:45 am-3:30 pm
7 / 8-7 / 31
Tu / Th • 8:45 am-3:30 pm
7 / 9-8 / 1
10-15 Yrs
$ 438 /$ 548
Tu / Th • 8:45 am-3:30 pm
6 / 11-7 / 2
10-15 Yrs
$ 383 /$ 479
Flick Pool Middle School Nights
Tu , August 6 and 13 • 8:15-9:30 pm
Fee : $ 10 ( online )/$ 12 ( day of ) ID #: 4020000-A ( 8 / 6 ) ID #: 4020000-B ( 8 / 13 )