Summer Edition LOH, 2018 LOH Magazine-spread-theme0081818 a | Page 21

LOH Magazine |August 2018 y o u have to sha re and guid - ance you can provide is what young people are in need of in a world where there are so many things trying to influence us. Young believers need older believers to be as Paul was to Ti mothy. Paul love d Timo thy a s a son and in structed him s o t hat Ti m othy would kn o w how to fight the good fight of faith (I Timothy 1:18). Paul’s epistles to Timothy represent an outpouring of his love. It is important that older believers show the same type of love for younger believers. You’ve got to love them so much that you’re w i l l i ng to pour into them the knowledge and wisdom of God that you have gained. Once a g a in , le t ’s c o n s id e r Elijah and Elisha. As a result of the mentoring relation- ship between these two men, E lija h w a s a b le t o le a v e h is mantle of anointing to Elisha. He d id n o t t ry t o t a k e it wit h him to heaven, because it was only good for down here on eart h . Wh a t y o u ’v e e x p e - rienced and learned about living a lif e f o r Ch ris t is o n ly good for d o wn h e re a s we ll. S o t h i n k a b o u t i t . To w h o m are you leaving your mantle? 21 This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; (1 Timothy 1:18) Hom e Ho l i n ess. . .The Missing Link is the second book published by Pastor Holmes-Vann. This book is a must have in the library of every believer. This message is especially needed for this 21st century and is effective in helping families and individuals bridge the gap between church and home.