Summer Camp Guide 2025 | Page 24


NSSRA is committed to conducting its recreation programs and activities in the safest manner possible and holds participants ' safety in the highest possible regard . Participants and parents registering for recreation programs must recognize , however , that there is an inherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreational activities . NSSRA continually strives to reduce such risks and insists that participants follow all safety rules and instructions designed to protect the participants ' safety .
Please recognize that NSSRA does not carry medical accident insurance for injuries sustained in its programs . The cost of such would make program fees prohibitive . Therefore , each person registering themselves or a family member for a recreation program / activity should review their own insurance coverage . It must be noted that the absence of health insurance coverage does not make NSSRA automatically responsible for the payment of medical expenses .
Due to the difficulty and exorbitant cost of obtaining liability insurance , the agency providing liability coverage for NSSRA requires the execution of a Waiver and Release . Certain high-risk activities may require an additional waiver prior to participation . This waiver must be signed before participation in a program . See NSSRA ’ s High-Risk Waiver Policy on page 60 for more information .
Please contact NSSRA Safety Coordinator Meggan Davies at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6828 or mdavies @ nssra . org with any questions .
24 nssra . org / camps | ( 847 ) 509-9400 Registration Policies