Program Payment
Resident / Non-Resident Policy
Program & Transportation Fees
Program Lottery
Program Payment
Outstanding balances must be paid prior to registration . If assistance is needed regarding payment , contact NSSRA at ( 847 ) 509-9400 or registration @ nssra . org .
Resident / Non-Resident Policy
If you live in one of NSSRA ’ s ten partner park district , two cities , or village , you are considered a resident . These include the Park Districts of Deerfield , Glencoe , Glenview , Highland Park , Kenilworth , Lake Bluff , Northbrook , Northfield , Wilmette and Winnetka , the Cities of Lake Forest and Highwood , and the Village of Riverwoods .
Individuals residing outside the NSSRA boundaries must pay an annual Administrative Fee prior to registering for any NSSRA program . The Administrative Fee is approximately $ 2,200 .
This fee allows participation in NSSRA programs for one year .
Program & Transportation Fees
Each program and event listed in our program guide is assigned one code and one fee . If the program offers optional transportation , a separate code and fee will be listed .
Program Lottery
NSSRA uses a lottery system for some programs and camps . When participants register for a program , they will be put on a waitlist until the lottery is conducted . You don ' t need to make any payment during registration . The outcome of the lottery will be communicated to all participants by Friday , March 14 . You will receive a receipt via your primary email address , which will list the programs you are enrolled in , and payment will be expected by Monday , April 25 .
If the program you selected is in high demand and becomes full during the lottery , you will remain on the waiting list . Your position on the list will be determined by the lottery results and will be specified on your receipt . We will do our best to accommodate the waitlists . Openings in programs are dependent on factors such as staff availability , transportation , facility space , and pre-purchased tickets . NSSRA staff will regularly review the waitlists during the season and will contact you if a spot becomes available in a program .
2025 Summer Camp Guide ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 23