Age 50 + Adult Programs
Cathy ’ s Computer Corner classes and workshops will be held at Sea Country Senior & Community Center ’ s Aspen Room . Computers will be provided , but you are welcome to bring a fully charged laptop or iPhone . Register online or at the front desk .
Instructor : Cathy Badum / Location : SCC , Aspen Room
Everything Google
What can ' t you do with Google ? Store and share pictures and videos , use their free internet email from any computer no matter what internet provider you have , find directions , make video calls , and more ! Instruction and hands on practice . Optional : Bring fully charged iPhone or laptop to class with latest software updates .
14152 Th Jun 9-30 2-3pm 50 + yrs $ 59
Do You Know Where You ’ re Going To ?
Learn how to use your iPhone apps to navigate , find nearby restaurants , the closest gas station , best and alternative routes with and without tolls , dynamically updated ETA . Find a family member , hail an Uber or Lift , pay for parking , track a flight , read a compass , and more . Instruction and hands on practice . Optional : Bring fully charged iPhone to class with latest software updates .
14153 Th Jul 21 2-3:30pm 50 + yrs $ 30
Intro to Social Media
Want to see what your friends , family , and neighbors are up to ? In this introductory class , you will learn about popular social media apps such as Facebook and Instagram . From creating an account , security and privacy settings , viewing posts , sharing pictures , making comments , and etiquette . In addition , we will touch upon the other social media sites : Nextdoor , TikTok , YouTube , Twitter , Snapchat and Pinterest . Instruction and hands on practice . Optional : Bring fully charged iPhone laptop to class with latest software updates .
14154 Th Jul 28-Aug 18 2-3pm 50 + yrs $ 59
Cut the Cable Workshop
Learn what can be used to make your TV smart with an external device like a Roku or Amazon Fire TV . Learn how apps like Netflix , Hulu , Amazon , SlingTV , HBO Max , Disney , etc . can be used to watch a plethora of movies and shows on your smart tv or smart tv device . Introduction to various options to replace or augment tv . Optional : Bring fully charged iPhone or laptop to class with latest software updates .
14155 Th Aug 25 2-3:30pm 50 + yrs $ 30
Private Technology Lessons
Learn how to use technology at your pace . Need help with basic usage or terminology ? Need help navigating a smart phone or tablet ? Want hands-on practice to build that technology muscle memory ? Want to learn more in depth about a particular app ? Want to learn how to write software ? Your choice , your time ! Tutoring to meet your needs . Optional : Bring fully charged iPhone or laptop with latest software updates . * This is a hands-on instructional class to learn how to use technical devices , not technical support for devices .
Th Jun 9-Aug 25 * 2pm-4:15pm ( appointments based on availability ) 14156 $ 70 / hour appointment
14157 $ 40 half-hour appointment * No class Jul 7 & 14
Sea Country Fitness Center for Adults 50 +
The fitness center has 15 pieces of equipment for cardio , strength , and flexibility training .
Hours of Operation Monday – Friday , 9am-4pm Saturday , 9am-12pm
Annual Fitness Center Fee Residents : $ 25 for Group Equipment Orientation / $ 45 for an Individual Equipment Orientation
Non-Residents : $ 40 for Group Equipment Orientation / 60 for an Individual Equipment Orientation
The Fitness Center is located within the Sea Country Senior and Community Center . A registration packet that includes a registration form , liability waiver , a medical release form , to be signed by your doctor , is required at the time of registration . Proof of residency is required by showing a utility bill . Fitness Center membership cards will be issued once all required forms are submitted , and an equipment orientation has been completed .
Take a hike !
The City of Laguna Niguel is the home of approximately 80 miles of scenic trails . Many of these trails provide access to City parks and open space areas . Explore all the trail options by turning to page 33 .
PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE : ( 949 ) 425-5100 ONLINE REGISTRATION : CityofLagunaNiguel . org / Registration | REGISTRATION FORM : Page 36