Summer 2022 Newsletter_Digital | Page 5

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Emails from Adopters

Hello WSHS ,
I just thought I ’ d send you an update on how O ’ Malley has been doing . I ’ ve changed his name to Richard ( King Richard sometimes ) and he has been a true gentleman . I was truly surprised by how quickly he warmed up to my home . He hid under the couch for 20 minutes and then started following me everywhere I went and purring . I think he is truly thankful because every morning I wake up , I realize he ’ s brought all his toy mice in bed for me . An offering of some sort ? He also runs up to me periodically to make sure I ’ m still here and okay . It ’ s adorable . He warms up to any guest I have over too . I just have them give him a treat and then he ’ s cuddling or playing with them . He even warmed up to my 2-year-old niece immediately . She calls him Big Meow . She laid on the floor with him and tried to copy his napping poses .
I cannot explain how thankful I am to West Suburban for bringing Richard into my life . He makes my house a home every day . If there is any way I can set up a reoccurring donation or send supplies your way please let me know . I know that Richard is only the way he is because of the great care he received at West Suburban .
Hi ,
Thank you for sending us the pictures and thank you for taking care of Sunflower and all of the animals at WSHS ! We absolutely love her and she ’ s had a great first day at home . We ’ ve named her Penny . Here are some pics . We ’ ll keep you updated !
We Want to Hear from You ! Email us at : Director @ WSHS-DG . org
Hello ,
I apologize for taking so long to respond to this email . Astro has been settling in very nicely ! Honestly , I was not expecting things to go this smoothly . She ’ s been eating and drinking regularly and her litter box habits are phenomenal . She ’ s becoming more playful each day and certainly enjoys attention / company . I ’ ve had my parents over a few times for dinner , and they are impressed with how social Astro is . She is a good girl , so as of right now , there ’ s nothing that I need help with . She is scheduled to see the folks at the cat clinic in Wheaton next Wednesday . Please see the attached pictures for a glimpse of her first few weeks in my house ! I appreciate all you did for Astro and all you continue to do for the other animals in your care .
Hi there !
Summer is settling in . She loves her new yard . We are working on leash training . She is very smart but sometimes gets distracted . I ’ d like to say she ’ s 100 % potty trained but she ’ s had some accidents so we are working on that as well . The incision from spay healed up and she visited the vet on June 11th . She is a light eater and has lost some weight .
We are most likely going to start some obedience classes to get some socializing . She gets a bit excited when she sees other dogs . The plan is for a fecal sample after June 22nd . We ’ re hoping she is a bit more regular with her potty to be able to collect and bring in to you there . If I ’ m not successful I have already discussed bringing it to my vet . Hope all the other fur babies are finding homes . Yes it was a pleasurable experience adopting with WSHS . We can tell you all really care !
Thanks again , Tammy & Summer