Summer 2022 Gavel w hyperlinks | Page 8

By Tony Weiler , Executive Director




The State Bar Association of North Dakota ( SBAND ) recently held its annual meeting in Fargo June 15-17 . More than 300 lawyers , guests , speakers , and partners attended the event and joined SBAND leadership , staff , and many volunteers who hosted a great event . In maintaining the most recent course of action to hold the CLE seminars at one location , attendees gathered at the Delta by Marriot in Fargo . The annual Bar Foundation fundraiser was once again the only event held off-site at the Sanctuary Events Center on Thursday of the meeting . Meeting attendees and guests enjoyed being back together to socialize and attend fantastic CLE programs .
The meeting ’ s opening plenary session was a program by David Mann . His presentation , “ Winning with Words : Keys to Persuasive Storytelling ,” focused on how we can be persuasive in meaningful ways and how we say something is perhaps more important than what we say . The program helped attendees understand not only the power of our stories , but what and who we can influence as well .
As has been SBAND ’ s focus in the past , the annual meeting format featured several different tracks , with the opportunity to hear a speaker at different times during the day . The speakers covered a wide range of topics . Ohio State University professor and SBAND member Dakota Rudesill provided information on the “ Neutrality Act , the Ukraine War , and Modernizing the Law .” Kyle Pickner talked about the “ Core of Cryptocurrency ,” and David Mann did a detailed talk on “ Making Presentations Come Alive .” Danielle Hall helped us understand “ Digital Addiction ” and “ How to Disconnect in a Hyperconnected World to Increase our Well-Being .” Sarah Vogel spoke about her new book , “ The Farmer ’ s Lawyer ,” and her career helping those in our state ’ s agriculture industry .
Tony Weiler , left , pictured with Outstanding Committee Chair Award winner Ward Johnson .
For the first time , SBAND partnered with the North Dakota Commission on Legal Counsel for Indigents , which planned several tracks focused on criminal defense law . Those included “ Redefining Success as a Public Defender : A Rallying Cry for Those Most Committed to Gideon ’ s Promise ,” “ Legal Deserts , Legal Ethics , and the
Constitution in Criminal Courts ,” and several other informational programs .
SBAND continued to hold its general assembly and business meeting at the Friday breakfast . This included hearing from Chief Justice Jon Jensen and the new president of the bar . An executive director report also detailed the work done at SBAND during the past year .
Attendees then heard a message from ABA President Reginald Turner , who talked about the value of being a lawyer in America and what it means to continue to fight for the rule of law . Our first Friday morning plenary focused on legal ethics in a program by SBAND ’ s own Brent Edison . His presentation was titled “ Atticus Finch or Saul Goodman ?: Ethics Tips to Keep from Breaking Bad .” Our final plenary of the annual meeting was provided by Eighth Circuit
SBAND member Brent Edison presented a plenary session on legal ethics .
Judge David Stras , titled “ What My Grandparents ’ Experience in the Holocaust Taught Me about the First Amendment .” The energy and information from all our speakers was top notch .
Social Gatherings
Attendees at this year ’ s annual meeting were treated to an opening night social at the Delta by Marriott , where lawyers and guests had a chance to see old friends and meet new ones . Those in attendance got to listen to Grand Forks lawyer Ward Johnson ’ s band Town and Country . Many attendees then took in the hospitality room hosted by president-elect candidate Taylor Olson and ABA Delegate candidate Hon . Dan Traynor .
The North Dakota Bar Foundation social was held at the Sanctuary and once again the foundation held its annual silent auction fundraiser .
New SBAND Officers Elected
Jennifer Albaugh became SBAND president at the end of the 2022 General Assembly on June 17 . Judge Doug Bahr is now the immediate past-president and will continue to serve on the board of governors until June 2023 . Taylor Olson was elected as presidentelect and will assume duties as president in June 2023 .