Summer 2022 Gavel w hyperlinks | Page 7

Honestly , my goal is to continue the amazing work of SBAND and continue to bring focus to the Rural Attorney Recruitment Program and the health and wellness of our legal community .
What are the challenges you see in the legal profession in general and in North Dakota ? The largest challenge I see in our legal profession in North Dakota is the lack of attorneys in rural areas . This is not an uncommon issue and one faced by other states , including South Dakota . Recently , the legislature created the Rural Attorney Recruitment Program to recruit attorneys to practice in more rural areas of the state . The Rural Attorney Recruitment Program is in its early stages , but it will certainly make an impact on the lack of attorneys in our rural areas .
How have you been involved in community service outside of your legal career ? Community involvement is a big part of my life . I participate in the Junior Achievement Program , judge moot court at the law school , speak to various classrooms on legal issues , sponsor my children ’ s sports teams , assist in their classrooms , and anything else that I am able to do .
What do you do for fun ? As a parent of young children , I find the word “ fun ” ironic . Usually , the activities in which I find joyful my children find joyless . I enjoy golfing , relaxing at the lake , entertaining friends , and just relaxing .


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Since January 2008 , SBANO has offered a member assistance program for its members and their families . More information on the program is available at the SBANO website , http :// www . sband . org .
PERSONAL PROBLEMS : The MAP Program offers counseling services to SBANO members and their families for personal problems such as marriage and other family concerns . The focus is not on who is at fault , but how to reach a solution . Most people get the help they need in the eight sessions a year that are provided at no cost .

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The SBANO Member Assistance Program offers confidential , professional counseling services in locations across the state of North Dakota for a variety of concerns , emotional crisis , financial and family difficulties , substance abuse evaluations and workrelated problems . Members and their families are entitled to receive up to eight counseling sessions per identified problem area at no charge for each calendar year .
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