A Word of
Thanks to SBAND
Dear Mrs . Francis ,
My name is Joshua Breeze , and recently , I was selected as a recipient of the North Dakota Rural Justice Judicial Clerkship Scholarship . As part of this selection , I am committed to working 480 hours this summer in the city of Grafton as Judge Barbara Whelan ’ s law clerk . I am writing to you to share my thanks and appreciation for being selected as a recipient of this scholarship . This award not only provides financial support for the summer but also support as I enter my final year of law school . My family and I are grateful for your generosity and I promise to continue to work hard to satisfy my commitment for this scholarship .
Thank you again , Mrs . Francis . I hope to meet you in the future so I may say thanks inperson . All the best going forward .
Sincerely , Joshua Breeze
Our team of consensus builders are proven , skilled collaborators and creative problem solvers . They understand the importance of the facts , nuances of the law , and emotions of the people involved . As mediators , their one goal is to create a mediation process that allows all parties to work through disputes and come to a mutually acceptable agreement - resolution .
LITIGATION vogellaw . com
LISA Edison-Smith |
JERILYNN Brantner Adams |
LEAH Warner |
STEVE Lamb |
ANGIE Lord |
MONTE Rogneby |
SUMMER 2021 29 |