Adult Leagues
Adult Softball Leagues (Ages 18+)
Get your team together and register now for this semicompetitive
season. Teams will play 10 games, Round robin
play with a single elimination tournament. The registration
deadline is August 14. For more information contact
Matt Wells at [email protected] or
Held at Community Park Adult Softball Fields
Men's 12" (Semi-Competitive) 10 games (double-headers)
Prog Day Date Time R/NR
0036.22.1 Tu TBD 6:15–10:15 pm $550
Men's 12" (Semi-Competitive) 10 games (double-headers)
Prog Day Date Time R/NR
0038.22.1 Th TBD 6:15–10:15 pm $550
Co-Rec 12" (Recreational) 10 games
Prog Day Date Time R/NR
0039.22.1 F TBD 6:15–10:15 pm $550
No game on September 4
Adult Bags League
Get your pairs together and compete in this backyard
sport in front of Tighthead Brewing Company. Teams will
play 10 league games (match play) followed by an end
of season tournament. Space is limited so sign up fast.
Registration deadline is August 18. For more information
contact Matt Wells at [email protected] or
Held at Tighthead Brewing Company
161 N Archer Ave, Mundelein, IL 60060
Prog Day Start Date Time R/N
0067.22.2 Su Aug 23 12–5 pm $80
No games on September 6 and 20
E-Gaming League: Rocket League (All Ages)
6 week regular season and 1 week playoff
Duration each week: 30-45 minutes
Format: 3 v 3 best of 5.
Divisions: A, B, C
What do the participants need: The game Rocket League
is played on any platform, PS4, Xbox, PC or Nintendo
Switch. Teams will also have to have the capability to get
on the internet to play against someone else. For some
consoles this might be an extra cost.
Get your trio together and compete in the expanding
world of egaming in the Rocket League. Register as a team
of three and state your desired division based on skill level.
There will be further registration and information as the
season gets closer. There is a hard registration deadline of
Sunday, June 14th. This league is run and moderated by
For more information contact Matt Wells at
[email protected] or 847.388.5449
Prog Day Date Time R/NR
0135.22.2 W Jun 24–Aug 5 6:30 pm $90
Diamond Lake Boat Launch
Diamond Lake Boat Launch Key, Vehicle and Vessel
decals are now available for purchase. Boat launch key
purchases must be made in-person
at Mundelein Community Center.
Questions? Call 847.388.5430.
Prog Boat R/NR
0001.12.1 Motorized $78/230
0001.12.1 Non-Motorized $36/65
0001.12.1 Second Vehicle Sticker $11
Second Boat Key
Prog Boat R/NR
0002.12.1 Motorized $78/230
0002.12.1 Non-Motorized $36/65
0002.12.1 Second Vehicle Sticker $11
48 847.566.0650