Golf Instruction
Adult Putting and Chipping Clinic
This 75 minute small group clinic is focused on your short
game. The class will help both beginner and experienced
players by reviewing the fundamentals of both putting
and chipping. Led by Steeplechase staff.
Held at Steeple Chase Golf Club
Prog Day Date Time Fee
0001.13.2 W June 24 5:30–6:45 pm $40
Adult Bunker Play and Mid Range Scoring Lesson
This 75 minute small group clinic is focused on the scoring
zone (shots inside 100 yards). The class will help both
beginner and experienced players by reviewing the
fundamentals of bunker play and executing mid range
wedge shots. Led by Steeplechase staff.
Held at Steeple Chase Golf Club
Prog Day Date Time Fee
0002.13.2 W July 22 5:30–6:45 pm $40 Summer 2020 47