have attained many great achievements over
the past academic year. This spring, students
Martha Amdahl, Logan Caldwell, Audra
Fischer, Thomas Holmen, Joe Jensen, and
Josey Munson traveled with their excellent
coach Kiara Kraus-Parr to West Virginia
for the National Energy & Sustainability
Moot Court Competition. Two of our
teams advanced to the quarter-finals, and
Martha Amdahl, Logan Caldwell, and
Audra Fisher's team finished as the National
Runner-Up, with Mr. Caldwell receiving
individual honors as Best Oralist. During
the final round critiques, U.S. Second Circuit
Judge Gerard E. Lynch remarked that Ms.
Amdahl’s rebuttal "may have been the best
two minutes" of the round. Overall, our
outstanding moot court program, superbly
led by Professors Kirsten Dauphinais and
Ariana Meyers, ranked 44th nationally
among all law schools.
In addition, in February, the UND Law
Trial Team (Emily Christensen, Abigale
Griffin, Kathryn Jund, Eric Koppy, and
Erica Skogen Hovey) competed at the
National Trial Competition for Region
12 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Both UND
Law teams, expertly led by Professor
Denitsa Mavrova Heinrich, represented the
School of Law with distinction and were
consistently praised for their mastery of trial
techniques, their outstanding command
of the case, and their professionalism and
poise in the courtroom. As always, our
Trial Team could not have done it without
the unwavering support of our bench and
bar. In particular, we extend a heartfelt
“Thank You” to Professor Emerita Patti
Alleva, Patricia Castro, Lori Conroy,
Dean DePountis, Sandy DePountis, Jacob
Fauchald, Judge Shon Hastings, Judge
James Hovey, Cecilia Knapp, Judge Jade
Rosenfeldt, Aubrey Zuger, Jack Zuger, and
Peter Zuger. In addition, the Trial Team
benefited tremendously from the experience
and expertise of Zac Ista, an assistant state’s
attorney in Grand Forks, who assisted in
coaching the team this year. The School
of Law is also deeply grateful to Judge
Michelle Lawson and the Clay County
Courthouse staff for once again opening the
doors of the courthouse for the Trial Team’s
weekend practices.
to provide sustained funding for clinical
legal education and energy law faculty
recruitment and retention, allowing us to
receive the entire state match of $250,000
approved by the North Dakota Legislative
Assembly in the 2019 session. In addition,
in December 2019, I began a campaign
to raise funds from
our alumni to help
us enhance the
technology in the
Molbert Room, the
classroom where
our 1L students
most often meet.
I am delighted to
report we met our
goal and those
upgrades will be ready
for the Fall 2020
semester. Because
of additional needs
to provide students
with online access to
the classroom in the
coming academic year,
the timing for this
enhancement could
not have been better.
It is most fitting to
close by expressing
my heartfelt gratitude
to SBAND and our
many supporters
throughout the North
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dakota bench and bar. With the help of
our many faithful allies such as you, we
will continue to provide excellence in legal
education and build an even stronger UND
School of Law to meet the many challenges
that remain before us.
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Finally, I am very excited to report that with
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SUMMER 2020 23