SBAND 117th Annual
Meeting Wrap-Up
A Grand Experience
The State Bar Association of North Dakota’s Annual Meeting was
a smashing success in Grand Forks in June. The event was held in
several venues in Grand Forks, including the University of North
Dakota (UND) School of Law, the Chester Fritz Auditorium, and
the Ralph Engelstad Arena.
The meeting’s plenary session was a program by former Minnesota
Supreme Court Justice Alan Page on “Awareness of Ethics and the
Elimination of Bias in the Law.” The event was open to the public
and was held in the Chester Fritz Auditorium. Page spoke about
awareness of biases, and the need to eliminate them collectively. He
stressed the law needs to be color blind, while speaking about his
own history and path to Minnesota’s highest court.
Page was followed by a panel that included American Bar
Association (ABA) President Paulette Brown, North Dakota
District Court Judge Donavan Foughty, and Standing Rock Sioux
Tribe Associate Judge Erin Shanley. The panel discussed “Diversity
and Bias in the Profession” and was moderated by SBAND ABA
Delegate Dan Traynor.
This year’s Mart Vogel Lecture on Professional and Legal Ethics
covered negotiation ethics. Presenters included UND School of Law
Professor Michael McGinniss, Dave Maring, and Karen Klein.
Other CLE programs included “Navigating the Disciplinary Process:
What Members of the Bar Need to Know” by disciplinary counsel
Kara Erickson, assistant counsel Ryan Heintz, and members of
Inquiry Committee panels including Pat Monson, Haley Wamstad,
and Peter Zuger. SBAND member Tracy Kolb and Ken Satkunam
of NorthStar Technology Group discussed “Anatomy of an Incident
Response and Data Breach-How Lawyers can Plan and Prepare,”
and Kolb and Catherine Sanders Reach from the Chicago Bar
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