Training is essential for the executives of organizations that develop actions at national, European and international level and in particular cooperate with institutions of the European Union. TRANSPARENCY – ACCOUNTABILITY Public presentation of the Administrative and Financial accounts as well as the Business Plan SYSTEMS – STANDARDS INTERNATIONAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT We plan to acquire the certification of International Quality Assurance Standards by ISO for the Organization. FINANCIAL RESOURCES The financial resources of NF stem from various sources, as laid down in its Statute, article 8: 1. From subscriptions and financial assistance of members, partners and friends. 2. Proceeds from events and excursions of social, cultural and recreational interest, lotteries etc. This and the aforementioned resource (subscriptions, financial assistance) cover the fixed operational expenses of the Organization. 3. Voluntary benefits in kind or in cash from donations, inheritances, legacies, grants, financial aid and sponsorships, provided they do not affect or contradict with the principles and purposes of the Organization. The decision about the acceptance of these resources is taken with increased majority and specifically with the assent of at least 5 out of the 7 members of the Board. NOTE: We do not accept donations and any assistance in kind or cash from corporations, which are proven to evade taxes or pollute. YOUNG NATUREFRIENDS YNF Greece is an informal group that maintains contacts and cooperates with the International Young Naturefriends Internatioanal Organization/IYNF. The need to create a youth organization in our country with legal standing, it is necessary and it is one of the objectives of Naturefriends.