Successful Spirit May Newsletter May 2014 Volume 1 | Page 5
Finally, meditate regularly. Daily is best, of course, but beginners may find the practice unappealing
and hesitate to commit to daily meditation until they discover how rewarding meditation can be. There
are many ways to begin, from using a meditation tape or CD to simply being in the
silence for ten minutes or so.
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There are methods that focus on breathing, chanting, and even moving, so select the
one that seems most attractive or interesting and begin If you can, join a group or
class until you get past the early stages and begin to reap meditation’s many benefits.
Meditating will teach you to calm your body and mind. This inner calm will allow
you to better hear the quiet whispers of your intuitive self. Even more important,
the ability to intentionally calm the mind and body will help you to draw on your
intuition when you have a need. Even if you only meditate twice a week, you’ll
begin to experience more calmness in your life. As you continue, you’ll develop a
deep calm and peacefulness that allows you to handle life with greater serenity. And
believe it or not, your meditation time will become a special and desirable part of
your week or day.
So there you have it: three simple ways to enhance your intuition. Begin incorporating them into
your life, and your intuition will become more useful than you ever expected.
Angel Message for May
The world continues to turn, day in day, day out. Life moves ever forward presenting fresh opportunities each day.
How will you spend your time this day? How will you honour yourself? How will you choose to enrich your spirit?
As you move through each day, you are met with thousands of choices. As you move along your path, the direction
is determined by the choice you make.
There are times, like the child wandering in the park, you may find that the search for wildflowers and butterflies have led you way off
the path into deep woods. There are times when it feels as though the parched land will burn up your shoes and make it impossible to
move forward. There are times when the path moves ever higher and you find yourself standing in wonder at the remarkable vista that
meets your gaze.
It matters not where you are on the path; what matters is that you choose the option that best resonates for you from moment to moment. When you choose to see the joy and beauty in each step, then you soon find that you are walking a most delightful road, where
there is water for refreshment and food to feed body and soul.
Dear one, when you consider this, you will see that it is the choices you have made that have brought you to this present place in your
path. There is no condemnation or judgment here. There is no wrong choice in our understanding, because all is for the growth and
evolution of your Spirit.
But know this: th H