Successful Spirit May Newsletter May 2014 Volume 1 | Page 4

Page 4 Intuitive You! Encouraging Insights by Jean For people serious about intuition, the good news is that you can take very simple actions to encourage its development. First of all, when you notice an intuitive insight, pay attention to it. And more than pay attention to it, act on it. If on the way home you receive a flash – that is, a visual image or a thought or a feeling – of yourself driving home along a street you don’t usually travel, take that route home. Everyone has had the experience of not following an intuitive flash to their sorrow. It may be as simple as placing a filled glass of water on a side table and having a mental flash of the glass tumbling to the floor. Perhaps your response to such insight is only to check the placement of the glass, perhaps you shrug off the insight entirely. Either way, when the dog or toddler comes bounding into the room and upsets the glass, you wish you had placed the glass elsewhere. You ‘knew’ that would happen, but in not trusting the insight you were given, that foreknowing was of no benefit to you. By acting on the insights you are given, you begin a kind of ‘mental retraining’ process that will help you become sensitized to – and respectful of – the actions of your intuition. The more you listen to these insights, the more quickly you’ll be able to recognize and act on them – and save yourself some trouble in the process. Following your intuitive hunches may feel silly, and you may never know why you were prompted to do one thing instead of another, but honour your insights by following through with them. If you resist, demanding not only the insight but the rationale behind it, your intuition will grow weaker rather than stronger. Later, when your intuition is more highly developed, you can probe insights for more information. At the beginning stages, though, consider your response as a welcome mat creating an appreciative reception for your hunches and gut feelings. A second way to encourage your intuition is to seek its help. That is, when you are faced with a decision, turn inward for intuitive direction. Just get quiet and grounded, take a deep cleansing breath, and mentally ask the question facing you. “Shall I take the highway on the drive home this evening?” “What is the best course of action in this regard?” “What is the truth about this situation?” After asking, pay attention! Your answer may indeed come in a flash of insight. Depending on your intuitive gifts, you may ‘see’ your answer (clairvoyance), ‘hear’ an answer (clairaudience), or ‘get a feeling’ which indicates the answer (clairsentience). Your answer may not come in the form of ordinary events, as well, so be alert to what is happening around you. If certain books, songs, snippets of conversation – even tv commercials – attract your notice, consider whether they have information to help you with the matter. You may be surprised to see the many ways answers may find their way to you! Finally, meditate regularly. Daily is best, of course, but beginners may find the practice unappealing and hesitate to commit to daily meditation until they discover how rewarding meditation can be. (cont’d next page….)