SUCCESS! Magazine - Issue 01 Issue #01 | Page 9

3 o e n BIGGEST LIFE IMPROVEMENTS Y M H T L A E H There is not a day that goes by in which I am not deeply grateful for my health. When I started this process I was 48 years old and had borderline numbers in every measure - for the first time in my life. I knew I was taking serious risks with my health. Today, I am a healthy weight and fit and athletic. I have, by simply losing excess weight, significantly reduced my risk of serious, deadly and disabling - and largely preventable - chron ic diseases. I have reduced my risk of more than a dozen types of cancer. I have become an active participant in my health, longevity and quality of life by choosing to control the risk factors that I can. In every way, I’m proof that middle age doesn’t have to mean “decline”. It can be - and has been - the beginning of living my absolute best life.