Success Lifestyle Magazine Issue 5 - July 2019 | Page 14

Therefore, keeping the stress levels down by practicing these things will keep your tank full for the journey ahead. Uncertainty When you have an idea that you want to turn into a business, there is never 100% certainty but there is always 100% uncertainty, at least until you do a bit more research on your idea. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many entrepreneurs feel a strong sense of uncertainty at times. Will your business take off? It is doing well now but will it grow next year? You are responsible for your own success and that thought can cause Ask For Help Rise above the stigma of asking for help, for your mental health and ask for help if you need it. Confide in a friend or speak with a professional about any anxiety you may have, depression you may struggle with or simpler things like how to unplug and be present with our family. A great resource is your fellow entrepreneurs; they know full well what you may be going through and some may even feel the same as you do. Be supportive and they will support you too. It is always good to know that you are not alone and soon you will begin to understand how to cope anxiety in some entrepreneurs. This is where accepting that you may fail with the challenges of entrepreneurship while building a stronger, and fostering a strong mind-set and doing the necessary preparation that healthier mind. we spoke about earlier come in. Knowing that you are walking into uncertainty beforehand and being adequately prepared for the challenges that it may bring will make dealing with the unforeseen future much easier. Re the recipes below. Spirulina is said to help combat mental health issues. It is a great source of tryptophan, an amino acid that supports serotonin production and serotonin plays a role in supporting mental wellbeing. Persons su�ering with anxiety and depression have marked low serotonin levels. There is some proof that yogurt works in a similar way to assist with mental health. Issue �: July ���� ��