Success Lifestyle Magazine Issue 4 - April 2019 | Page 19

"It truly delivered." A wave of high energy and positive vibes hit me as I entered the lobby. In true JMMB spirit, a cheerful representative greeted me and guided me towards the brilliantly lit welcome table. The ambience spoke of an event that was bound to challenge and elevate everyone present. It truly delivered. The creativity of the JMMB marketing team was on full display. From the nifty game used to get participants to engage with each other and JMMB's flagship services to the awe-inspiring presentations of the main presenters, Elevate exceeded expectations. I entered carrying the baggage of stress and left feeling motivated and inspired. Events of this nature often have that e�ect. They put us on a high, making us feel like we can conquer the world. Yet, as time progresses we put that inspiration on the back burner until it becomes a cold fire, a forgotten flame. This event was di�erent. The speakers were real and practical. I actually left with a clear idea of how I should approach life in order to achieve the success I crave. Here are some of the nuggets of truth I learnt from each presentation. ISSUE:4 APRIL 2019 Rochelle Cameron A Dynamic Risk-Taker Let's get one thing straight before I outline what I learnt from Rochelle's presentation. This woman is an energetic, fun, amazing and gifted motivational speaker. There was never a dull moment and I think that made what she shared even more poignant. Here are some of the key points from her presentation: 1. Stop allowing fear to hold you back. If you want to succeed, you must be willing to be uncomfortable. 2. Vocalize what you want your dream job to be. It's not enough to keep it as a dream in your mind. Let it out into the atmosphere. In the same breath, be careful of the words you speak. You could be putting a negative shadow over your life. What you speak is who you become. 3. Body language matters. Assume a more confident and assertive posture and you'll begin to display those qualities. 4. Take a seat at the big table. You've earned it! Don't hide in the shadow of your male counterparts. Take that seat and say, "I'm here!" 5. Create opportunities. When last have you updated your CV? Take it out and adjust it to reflect newly acquired skills and job experiences. Also, volunteer for activities in areas in which you're interested. People will only be able to see what you can o�er if you put yourself out there. 19