6. You are the CEO of your life. Stop
playing the blame game! Take
responsibility for your mistakes and
failures. Learn from them and move
forward because they are an
important part of your success
7. All the money in the world is
insignificant if you are not able to live
an impactful life. This was the premise
Rochelle used to make a drastic career
move. Although still a highly
accomplished lawyer, she wanted to do
more to make a positive impact on
people’s lives. Her dream job left her
feeling unfulfilled. Therefore, she
decided to become the Assistant Vice
President of Human Resources and
Public Relations at Jamaica Broilers.
The position allows her to use her skills
as her lawyer and her passion for
people. Making this drastic career
move is one of the best decisions she
has ever made.
Rochelle is someone you should follow
for a regular dose of inspiration. Follow
her on Instagram @rochycameron.
Paul Brunson
Veteran Entrepreneur on a Mission to Change
Jamaican Lives
Paul's love for Jamaica and Jamaican people was
evident. In fact, the first crucial point that he
highlighted was that Jamaica has an unbeatable brand.
We need to capitalize on that power.
He then emphasized the true definition of wealth. We
often have a narrow perspective of wealth; that it's
limited to acquiring large sums of money so that we can
retire young and relax on a beach. Paul dispelled that
myth by highlighting that wealth is 3 things:
1. Earning enough money with the concept of
enough being relative.
2. Having autonomy over your time.
3. Being in a position to give back.
He then stated that more than 60 percent of the
Jamaican population creates wealth. Those who
succeed at wealth creation capitalize on their strongest
skills and work diligently towards positioning
themselves in the top 1 percent for that skill.
This positioning, however, comes at a price. Here are
the 3 things that must change so that you can achieve
this goal:
1. Your habits and lifestyle. Everything you do should
align with the core of who you are and who you strive
to become.