Filled with a spunky and vivacious personality,
Rochele Spencer became a sensation almost
overnight as the winner of Season 6 of
Mission Catwalk. Fashion has always been a
fashionista’s life. In fact, her natural love and
flair for putting stylish pieces together
formed part of her introduction into the
world of commercial fashion in 2013.
Rochele is a multi-dimensional woman who
prides herself in finding the right balance
between work and pleasure. She’s the mother
of a beautiful 3-year-old daughter and
understands the importance of the saying, “It
takes a village to raise a child.” Her mother
sister have formed a major part in
ensuring that Rochele can grow her business
make my own clothes?” YouTube became my
teacher as I learnt how to make a skirt and
eventually made something that was
presentable enough to wear on the road.
Who knew that my self-made clothing would
create a buzz? People started asking me,
“Where did you buy that? How can I get one
of those?” These questions led to my eureka
moment... I was on to something. Without
realizing, I had developed a skill that I could
use to create a viable business.
One would think that creating clothing was
where I began in the beauty industry.
However, there was a period in my life where
I dabbled with hair styling and makeup
artistry. In fact, I am a certified makeup artist.
while raising her child well. My ultimate vision for Yours Truly Rochele is
I caught up with this gorgeous working where
mother and immensely talented fashion customized design from head to toe. I love
designer recently to learn more about her making people feel beautiful!
success journey. Here’s what she had to say; I
hope that you can learn from her words of
Wh� Your� Trul� Rochel�? Wha�
inspire� yo� t� creat� thi� busines�?
I’ve always considered myself to be
fashionable, but it was always difficult for me
to find clothing because I’m very skinny. I
always had to get things altered or go to the
tailor to get things specially made if I had a
special event.
to merge all my skills in a one-stop service
any woman can
get a completely
Wha� i� your aestheti�?
Daring, risqué pieces initially formed the core
of my aesthetic. It still does but my designs
have evolved to become both sexy and
classy. I pride myself in creating pieces that
any young woman would be willing to wear
One Christmas, I decided to buy a domestic
sewing machine to take in store-bought
clothing and ultimately save some money.
That’s when I thought, “Why don’t I try to