I’ve begun to craft a carefully that everyone will readily gravitate
developed plan to truly establish my towards your product or service.
brand in the digital space. However, Marketing and stellar customer service
there are times when I wonder if it’s are key ingredients to creating a
too little too late. The point is that sustainable business.
you shouldn’t allow your first project
to make you develop complacency.
Dive headfirst into strong marketing
from the get-go so that your finances
will survive long beyond that initial
You’ll invest a lot of money and time in
the initial phases of your business. This
investment is without having a clear
picture of what the outcome will be.
project. There will be times where you’ll be at
Truth #2: Business
Growth Takes at
Least 2 Years, NOT 2
Months to invest. However, you must believe
war with yourself about your decision
One of the fantasies that lives in our
heads is that our business will become
in your business enough to quelch
those fears and move forward.
Truth #5: You’ll be
forced to make some
unpopular decisions.
Tough decisions will become a normal
part of your entrepreneurial journey.
One of the entrepreneurs featured in
this issue was forced to make
freelancing his career after he left his
full-time job. Several people, including
his wife, questioned his decision.
However, it was a decision he had to
make so that his business could grow.
You will face similar decisions. Each
Truth #4: There are
people who won’t
support you.
profitable within the first month.
time you’ll question whether you made
the right choice, but always bear in
mind that entrepreneurship is a high
risk investment. Tough decisions are
necessary if you’re serious about
That’s just not how it works. You’ll You’d think that your ambition and spend at least 2 years sacrificing your drive to use entrepreneurship to do personal savings, and probably something meaningful with your life borrowing money, before your would warrant praise and business becomes profitable. In fact, commendations from everyone. It that you must pay attention
one of entrepreneurs featured in this doesn’t. There are people who won’t to if you want to succeed as
issue spent 6 years trying to make her see your vision, people who will envy business succeed. She was only able to you, and people who just won’t an entrepreneur. There are
generate profit within the past year. support you for whatever reason.
Truth #3: Starting a
Business is a High
Risk Investment
There’s never a 100 percent guarantee
that a business idea will work. You can
do market research to test interest in
the product, but positive results from
business success.
These are important truths
moments along the journey
where you’ll feel like you’ve
Allowing their negative energy to
influence your thoughts and actions is
meaningless. You must accept the fact
been walking barefoot on
hot coals. The difficulties
that there are people who won’t have you face may seem
your back. Live with the reality and unbearable, but
press forward.
perseverance will help you
create a profitable
this research don’t necessarily mean
Issue 3 : January 2019