How have you managed to maintain a healthy relationship as busy entrepreneurs ?
Communication , the fact that we love each other ’ s company and keeping God at the centre have helped us maintain a healthy relationship . We spend a lot of time together now that we are both working in the business and we appreciate these moments . There are more opportunities for disagreements but we accept that disagreements are inevitable . There are things that we need to work through , but we are loving the experience of working together .
What is the greatest challenge that you have faced as an entrepreneur in Jamaica and how have you overcome that challenge ?
We face several challenges as entrepreneurs and will continue to face challenges as the business grows . One of the greatest challenges we have faced is the attitudes of staff . They are skilled and know how to do the job , but they sometimes don ’ t do what we need them to do the way we want them to do it . We have implemented systems to keep everyone accountable . Asana is one such system . It helps us better monitor projects and clearly outline expectations . We also communicate regularly with staff and offer support as best as possible when they need it .
Another challenge that we continue to experience is consistency with implementing the growth strategies we create for the business . For instance , we have over 400 leads and committed to making 10 calls per day to follow-up with them . However , we haven ’ t had the time to do those follow-up calls . I will be hiring someone whose sole responsibility is to make those calls .
What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur ?
Strategy isn ’ t enough for you to succeed as an entrepreneur . You need to have an inner drive and a burning desire . These are some resources that I have used to help me develop the soft skills I need as an entrepreneur .
YouTube Channel : Valuetainment by Patrick Bet-David
Book : Rich Dad , Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Websites : Hubspot and Entrepreneur . com
What tips would you give to new entrepreneurs ?
Put God first and allow Him to be the centre of your life and business . Let Him lead you and , if it ’ s His will , your business must be successful . He keeps you sane and gives you a calm tongue .
Invest in your skills and abilities because these go a far way . Keep learning as much as you can . Improved skills and abilities can help you save money and relate to people you hire .
Follow people on social media who have already done it . Let them be your mentors .
Be patient . Nothing in life is linear ; entrepreneurship is not a smooth road .
Go out and seek opportunities for your business ( investment , funding , competitions and so on ). There is a lot of help for business in Jamaica . You have to diligently search for these opportunities . Put yourself out there and network .