funds become an entrepreneur ? personal strong consumer-base of single mothers , couples with young families and young female professionals . They are excited because what we offer is convenient and is high quality produce straight from the farm . Our produce is provided by Fort Spring Farms and other local farmers . The market is big enough to accommodate all compe�tors .
How does your process work ?
Each week begins with market research on Sunday to determine what our customers demand . We then create a prices list and publish it on social media on Monday between 9am and 11am . Customers send their orders . The orders are filled on Wednesday and delivered to Kingston , St . Andrew and Mandeville on Thursday .
Why haven ’ t you left your full-time job to pursue entrepreneurship full time ?
I love my full �me job as a social development officer . The process we have created for the business isn ’ t �me consuming . I also have an amazing group of partners who make it easy to work together to make the business work . Therefore , I am able to pursue my passion for social development and entrepreneurship simultaneously .
What is the greatest challenge that you have experienced as an entrepreneur ? How have you overcome this challenge ?
Raising capital has been our greatest challenge . We have overcome it to some extent by :
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Pacing ourselves Reinves�ng profits Seeking funding from various agencies . For instance , HEART Trust NTA has offered us a grant . Each partner inves�ng
Who is the greatest inspiration ? Why ?
Napoleon Hill ’ s book “ Think and Grow Rich ” has been my greatest inspira�on related to entrepreneurship . I tend to reread it occasionally .
What tips would you give to someone who wants to
Find something that you ’ re passionate about . That intrinsic mo�va�on is needed and can only come from a place of passion . You will encounter a lot of difficul�es when challenges arise if you aren ’ t passionate about what you ’ re doing . Take �me to dive into it . Do your due diligence . Do your feasibility study and research . Have the courage to start and s�ck with it . Get feedback from customers .
How can you be contacted ?
Instagram : @ fort _ spring _ farms Facebook : Fort Spring Farms Email : fortspringfarms @ gmail . com
Issue � : January ����